Expertise and Data Driven Conviction

Corporate Portfolio Management

We are our region’s first and only Fortune 100 multi-Family Office & Corporate VC portfolio allocator

We have been lending our VC expertise accumulated over investments in top decile funds, early and late stage tech startups across the globe

In kind, Corporate Investors tap into their domain expertise and sectoral insights to become strategic capital to VC Funds & their portfolio Startups

Having served large Corporates Investors, we have positioned our Fund to be at the intersection of three fields: Real Estate — Climate — Energy

Built World Fund

These sectors have seen a low injection of capital relative to their contribution to the global economy, make up more than a third of the worldwide carbon footprint and are in dire need of accelerated digitization & AI adoption

We aim to partner with exceptional Startup Founders building the next-gen tech stack to service these needs. While doing so, we join the journey of fellow Institutional Investors and Venture Capitalists vying for the same

Corporate VC Co-Investor Higlights

Thematic VC Co-Investor Highlights

Built Word Fund Focus Areas


Real Estate

Energy Efficiency


Advanced Materials